Get Involved
Your support could save a life
AshaJyothi has saved many children with special needs and improved their lives. Throughout this journey many organizations and individuals have volunteered to support AshaJyothi. None of this would have been possible without the help of supporters like you.
Sponsor a Child
Sponsor a AshaJyothi Child today. Your monthly contribution will give your sponsored child access to life-changing benefits like food, medical care, education, life skills.
Make a Donation
Small or Large, make a donation to help AshaJyothi children fight against the odds and exercise their right for quality life.
You can also send your cheque payments to AshaJyothi at the following address:
In favour of - AshaJyothi Handicapped Welfare Society
Hanuman Junction, Andhra Pradesh, India – 521105
All donations except cash are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961
Other ways to Help
There are more ways to make difference at AshaJyothi. This is your chance to make the world a better place. Help us fund one of our many programs that will transform the lives of the special needs children
Sponsor food for all children at AshaJyothi for a day
Sponsor a wheelchair or other aids for physical challenged
Sponsor sanitary pads for AshaJyothi children
Sponsor a child who needs urgent Medical Care
Contact us today to learn more about how you can make a difference through your contributions